• Douche Anal Rinser var 1
    • Douche Anal Rinser 1

    Douche Anal Rinser



    It is important to practice good hygiene when experimenting with anal stimulation with your partner.

    By using the Douche Anal rinser you get more freedom and satisfaction, and you avoid uncomfortable surprises.

    3 different flush pipes are included. The hole where the water comes out of varies in size on the 3 pipes, and therefore gives different water pressure. Rinse yourself clean with the flush pipe you best prefer. It is safe and easy.

    The water holder can fill up with up to 200 ml water.

    How to use an anal rinser: 1. Fill the pump with lukewarm (remember to test the temperature before use, to be sure the water isn't too warm). 2. Carefully spray the water up internally and thereafter go to the toilet to rinse out. 3. Repeat until the water rinses clean.

    Note! To clean the product rinse/scold it quickly in boiled water. You may not leave it laying in the water as it can deform.

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