Fantasy Rubber Penis Sleeve var 1

    Fantasy Rubber Penis Sleeve



    The Fantasy Rubber Penis Sleeve is ideal if you want to gain a firmer erection. The sleeve covers and supports your penis, so that it feels firmer and with that you can better stimulate your partner during sexual intercourse.

    The veiny surface provides your partner with a very realistic feeling, and because the sleeve is made from a relatively thin layer of rubber your partner can feel your warmth come through. The rubber can also help your erection last longer, because it reduces sensitivity as you don't have contact with your partner.

    You use your Fantasy Rubber Penis Sleeve by placing it around both the penis and scrotum, filling up the sleeve without it sitting too tight.

    To give the sleeve a smooth and shiny surface, apply water-based lubricant. It will also increase the glide for even more pleasure for your partner.

    The Fantasy Rubber Penis Sleeve is produced in Denmark and is clinically tested.

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